Quotation Explorer - 'Alexander'

Not all gays respond to the same stuff. Would Alexander the Great have loved Auntie Mame? - Bruce Bawer
Alexander received more bravery of mind by the pattern of Achilles, than by hearing the definition of fortitude. - Sir Philip Sidney
Babylon violated diminishes Alexander; Rome enslaved diminishes Caesar; massacred Jerusalem diminishes Titus. Tyranny follows the tyrant. Woe to the man who leaves behind a shadow that bears his form. - Victor Hugo
I give you," said Alexander, glancing at her, "what you need most from me. - Paulina Simons
Von Natur aus bin ich jedem Unternehmen gegenüber abweisend, daß ich, um mich zu einem solchen zu entschließen, zuvor in einer Biographie von Alexander oder Dschingis-Khan blättern muss. - Emil Cioran
Be sure not to discuss your hero's state of mind. Make it clear from his actions."(Letter to Alexander Chekhov, May 10, 1886) - Anton Chekhov
Alexander Hamilton started the U.S. Treasury with nothing -- and that was the closest our country has ever been to being even. - Will Rogers
Don Quixote is not an imaginary person; he is as real as Alexander the Great. - Dejan Stojanovic
You're like, both like, Alexander the Great.'We can't both be Alexander.'Well sometimes I think you're two side of the same coin, and I'm the metal in between. - Orson Scott Card
In displaying the psychology of your characters, minute particulars are essential. God save us from vague generalizations!"(Letter to Alexander Chekhov, May 10, 1886) - Anton Chekhov
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